Sequence and Profile Searches¶
This tutorial section will walk you through how to set up a search using BLAST or HMMER within ProkFunFind. The materials for this section of the tutorial are going to be in the queries/blast-search/, queries/hmmer-search/, and the genomes/ directories of the prokfunfind-tutorial repository. Pre-generated output is provided for all commands in the precomputed-out/ directory
These two search approaches on their own are no different from running BLAST or hmmscan and then applying different filtering to the results. In this case ProkFunFind is just providing an easy way to perform the search and facilitate the filtering within on platform. A major benefit of having access to these search approaches within ProkFunFind comes from the ability to combine these searches with other annotation-based searches. This process will be detailed in the later Mixed Searches section of the tutorial.
BLAST-based Searches¶
To perform a BLAST-based search with ProkFunFind you will need a protein sequences for your search terms and need the genome fasta, protein fasta, and GFF files for your search genomes.
For this tutorial the genome information is already prepared in the genomes/ directory. In this directory there are two genomes from the GTDB database for Adlercreutzia equolifaciens and Adlercreutzie celatus_A named GTDB18040 and GTDB26128 respectively. Both of these genomes have pre-generated annotation information. For this blast search the essential files are the ‘.gff’, ‘.fna’, and ‘.faa’ files.
The query for the search consists of the standard configuration file and function defintion along with a protein fasta file containing the query sequences. The protein fasta file needs to be indexed using the makeblastdb tool before performing a search (this has already been done for these sequences). These input files are in the queries/blast-search/ directory.
To perform a BLAST-based search for the equol gene cluster you can use the following ProkFunFind command from the base directory of the tutorial repository.
prokfunfind -f queries/blast-search/config.yaml -g ./genome-list.tsv --outputprefix ./out/blast-search/blast
This command will first print an overall summary of how many function components were detected in each genome. This output will summarize how many essential function components were detected and how many nonessential components were detected:
INFO:root:Checking configuration files
INFO:root:Searching for function
INFO:root:Identifying gene clusters
INFO:root:Summarizing function presence and genes
Detected function: Equol Gene Cluster in genome ./genomes/GTDB18040
1 out of 1 essential components present
3 out of 3 nonessential components present
INFO:root:Searching for function
INFO:root:Identifying gene clusters
INFO:root:Summarizing function presence and genes
Failed to detect function: Equol Gene Cluster in genome ./genomes/GTDB26128
0 out of 1 essential components present
1 out of 3 nonessential components present
The printed output does not provide the specific information about what components were detected or missing though, this information is instead provided in the multiple output files that are generated for each genome. From this information you can see that in the first genome, GTDB18040, the only essential component of the function and the 3 non-essential components were all detected in the genome. In contrast the summary for the second genome, GTDB26128, only had 1 of the non-essential components detected.
This summary can provide a good overview of your search and can be a good first thing to look at when analyzing collections of genomes, but it should not be relied on as a final assessment of if a set of genes is present or not in a genome. Instead you will want to examine the additional output files to get a better idea of what genes were found, if those genes were found in gene clusters, and what function components they belonged to.
The search command will produce three output files for each genome in the ./out/blast-search/ directory.
A GFF file
A TSV file
A blast output tabular file
A genome pkl file
A yaml summary file of the component presence and absence.
For more information on each of the output formats please see the Outputs <outputs.rst> documentation section. Each tutorial section will provide additional information about some of the output files.
The first place to look for more specific information on your search is going to be in the .tsv file. This file provides a more detailed summary of what genes were detected in the search and what
If you look at the ./out/blast-search/blast.GTDB18040.tsv file you will see the following table summary of the genes that were detected:
Gene_Name Cluster_ID Functions
GCF_000478885.1_02267 GCF_000478885.1_1:Cl_0 Equol Gene Cluster/hydrogenase maturase/HYDF
GCF_000478885.1_02268 GCF_000478885.1_1:Cl_0 Equol Gene Cluster/hydrogenase maturase/HYDG
GCF_000478885.1_02269 GCF_000478885.1_1:Cl_0 Equol Gene Cluster/hydrogenase maturase/HYDE
GCF_000478885.1_02270 GCF_000478885.1_1:Cl_0 Equol Gene Cluster/hydrogenase maturase/HNDD
GCF_000478885.1_02271 GCF_000478885.1_1:Cl_0 Equol Gene Cluster/hydrogenase maturase/NADO
GCF_000478885.1_02272 GCF_000478885.1_1:Cl_0 Equol Gene Cluster/fix electron transport/FIXX
GCF_000478885.1_02273 GCF_000478885.1_1:Cl_0 Equol Gene Cluster/fix electron transport/FIXC
GCF_000478885.1_02274 GCF_000478885.1_1:Cl_0 Equol Gene Cluster/Equol Production Pathway/DZNR
GCF_000478885.1_02275 GCF_000478885.1_1:Cl_0 Equol Gene Cluster/other genes/HYPO
GCF_000478885.1_02276 GCF_000478885.1_1:Cl_0 Equol Gene Cluster/Equol Production Pathway/DHDR
GCF_000478885.1_02277 GCF_000478885.1_1:Cl_0 Equol Gene Cluster/Equol Production Pathway/THDR
GCF_000478885.1_02278 GCF_000478885.1_1:Cl_0 Equol Gene Cluster/fix electron transport/FIXB
GCF_000478885.1_02279 GCF_000478885.1_1:Cl_0 Equol Gene Cluster/fix electron transport/FIXA
GCF_000478885.1_02280 GCF_000478885.1_1:Cl_0 Equol Gene Cluster/Equol Production Pathway/DDRC
GCF_000478885.1_02281 GCF_000478885.1_1:Cl_0 Equol Gene Cluster/other genes/DEVR
For each gene that was detected in the search this table provides information about the genomic contig and gene cluster they are from and the function component they were found to be a part of. In this case all of the genes were found to be in the same cluster, given the ID Cl_0, this indicates that they are found in the same genomic region.
In contrast if you look at the ‘./out/blast-search/blast.GTDB26128.tsv’ you can see that only one set of genes, the hydrogenase maturase component, was detected in that genome.
Other things to try¶
If you want to explore this search approach more consider doing some of the following and seeing how it affects the search results for each genome.
Change the blast filtering parameters in the config.ini file to make them more or less stringent.
Modify some of the essentiality requirements in the function definition component
of the configuration.yaml file and observe how that changes the search results.
HMMER-based searches¶
A HMMER-based search using ProkFunFind is performed in a similar way to a BLAST-based search, but instead of using protein sequences as your search terms, you use profile HMMs.
Profile HMMs are probabilistic models of the conservation of a set of sequences. They can be used with tools like HMMER’s hmmscan to perform searches against protein databases to find sequences that are similar to the profile. For more information on how to generate and use profile HMMs please see the HMMER documentation here: HMMER Docs
For this search the query files can be found in the queries/hmmer-search/ directory. The queries consist of the standard configuration and systems files, and the profile HMMs are contained in the profiles.hmm file.
To run the profile HMM search within ProkFunFind you can use the following command from the base directory of the tutorial repository:
prokfunfind -f queries/hmmer-search/config.yaml -g ./genome-list.tsv --outputprefix ./out/hmmer-search/hmmer
The same summary output is printed to the screen as in the BLAST tutorial. This output provides a simple summary of the component presence and absence in the genomes being searched.
In this search we see a slightly different result compared to the BLAST search:
INFO:root:Checking configuration files
INFO:root:Searching for function
INFO:root:Identifying gene clusters
INFO:root:Summarizing function presence and genes
Detected function:Equol Gene Cluster in genome ./genomes//GTDB18040
1 out of 1 essential components present
3 out of 3 nonessential components present
INFO:root:Searching for function
INFO:root:Identifying gene clusters
INFO:root:Summarizing function presence and genes
Failed to detect function:Equol Gene Cluster in genome ./genomes//GTDB26128
0 out of 1 essential components present
3 out of 3 nonessential components present
In this search you can still detect all four components in the GTDB18040 genome, but in the second, GTDB26128, genome we detect 3 non-essential components, where in the blast search we only detected one. This highlights one of the motivations behind ProkFunFind, demonstrating that single search approaches, for example just a BLAST search, may not be sufficient to get a full picture of the presence or absence of functions.
For this section of the tutorial we are going to focus on the GFF output files from the search. These can be seen in the ./out/hmmer-search/*.gff files. The output from the first genome can be seen in the ./out/hmmer-search/hmmer.GTDB18040.annot.gff
GCF_000478885.1_1 ProkFunFind CDS 2774610 2776022 . - . ID=GCF_000478885.1_02267;Name=HYDF;ClusterID=Cl_36;Target=HYDF;evalue=5.9e-242
GCF_000478885.1_1 ProkFunFind CDS 2776166 2777611 . - . ID=GCF_000478885.1_02268;Name=HYDG;ClusterID=Cl_36;Target=HYDG;evalue=4.2e-306
GCF_000478885.1_1 ProkFunFind CDS 2777598 2778668 . - . ID=GCF_000478885.1_02269;Name=HYDE;ClusterID=Cl_36;Target=HYDE;evalue=2.5e-222
GCF_000478885.1_1 ProkFunFind CDS 2778770 2780563 . - . ID=GCF_000478885.1_02270;Name=HNDD;ClusterID=Cl_36;Target=HNDD;evalue=0.0
GCF_000478885.1_1 ProkFunFind CDS 2780557 2782395 . - . ID=GCF_000478885.1_02271;Name=NADO;ClusterID=Cl_36;Target=NADO;evalue=0.0
GCF_000478885.1_1 ProkFunFind CDS 2782612 2782923 . - . ID=GCF_000478885.1_02272;Name=FIXX;ClusterID=Cl_36;Target=FIXX;evalue=2.6e-72
GCF_000478885.1_1 ProkFunFind CDS 2782920 2784233 . - . ID=GCF_000478885.1_02273;Name=FIXC;ClusterID=Cl_36;Target=FIXC;evalue=3.7e-302
GCF_000478885.1_1 ProkFunFind CDS 2784304 2786232 . - . ID=GCF_000478885.1_02274;Name=DZNR;ClusterID=Cl_36;Target=DZNR;evalue=0.0
GCF_000478885.1_1 ProkFunFind CDS 2786295 2786774 . - . ID=GCF_000478885.1_02275;Name=HYPO;ClusterID=Cl_36;Target=HYPO;evalue=3.8e-85
GCF_000478885.1_1 ProkFunFind CDS 2786868 2787716 . - . ID=GCF_000478885.1_02276;Name=DHDR;ClusterID=Cl_36;Target=DHDR;evalue=5.3e-195
GCF_000478885.1_1 ProkFunFind CDS 2787796 2789259 . - . ID=GCF_000478885.1_02277;Name=THDR;ClusterID=Cl_36;Target=THDR;evalue=0.0
GCF_000478885.1_1 ProkFunFind CDS 2789323 2790237 . - . ID=GCF_000478885.1_02278;Name=FIXB;ClusterID=Cl_36;Target=FIXB;evalue=1.5e-167
GCF_000478885.1_1 ProkFunFind CDS 2790267 2790986 . - . ID=GCF_000478885.1_02279;Name=FIXA;ClusterID=Cl_36;Target=FIXA;evalue=2.3e-139
GCF_000478885.1_1 ProkFunFind CDS 2791008 2791460 . - . ID=GCF_000478885.1_02280;Name=DDRC;ClusterID=Cl_36;Target=DDRC;evalue=2.2e-92
GCF_000478885.1_1 ProkFunFind CDS 2791670 2792440 . - . ID=GCF_000478885.1_02281;Name=DEVR;ClusterID=Cl_36;Target=DEVR;evalue=1.3e-150
This output is a standard GFF format table that provides information about the genes and their locations on the genome, along with the annotation information related to what components and genomic clusters they are a part of.
The first thing to note is that, in contrast to the BLAST-based search which only returned one hit per search term, the HMMER search identifies 160 hits. Depending on the type of function beign searched for you may expect alot of just a few hits, and the total number of hits may be a good inital way to assess if your filtering parameters are too strict or too lenient.
Other things to try¶
Try adjusting the e-value threshold in the config.ini file to get fewer hits returned by the search, but still return hits to the actual equol gene cluster (genes 02268-02281).